martes, 8 de marzo de 2011

Pudin de Toffee


30 g unsalted butter in the bowl and leave at room temperature to soften
take a knife and cutting board
Dates chop
snack nuts
prepares a bowl beat the eggs and then beat them
prepared baking pan to bake the pudding
parchment paper cut to the shape of the bottom and side molder
lines the inside of mold with parchment paper cut
prepare a bucket
check the dates with 130 milliliters of water in saucepan and heat over high heat
turn off the heat when the water starts to boil
add 2 g of yeast and let stand 8 min
prepare the beater
check brown sugar 70g butter to the bowl and then mix
pour the egg mixture into three phases, stirring

Add 50g of flour. Rubber mixing spoon, large circles to prevent the dough is sticky.
Add dates unapizca juice and vanilla, and mix as before.
Pour into each mold the amount of mass to a portion
Bake at 180 degrees for about 45 minutes
Prepare a saucepan
Check the nuts into the saucepan and add 25 ml cream
Add 45 g of brown sugar, 30 g of butter and heat the entire half Afuega
Lower it to simmer and cook for about 3 min.
Turn off heat and pour a dash of vanilla essence.
Cover with a plate
take the mold and the plate with both hands, flip it over carefully and then lift the mold.
loosen the parchment paper and re-turn the pudding and place it on serving plate.
and finally take the toffee sauce over the top.

Salva e Isaac

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